My name is Dafne Isadora Cruz Medina I’m 23 years old. I was born in Mexico City but a year ago my family and I moved to Tepic, Nayarit. We are five persons in my family: My Mom, Dad, and my two brothers; also I have a Chihuahua dog. I’m very close to them, and they have always supported me in everything. Since I was a kid, I have been interested in the creation and operation of things that have a real impact on people and the world.
From my basic education, I learned civil and moral values that formed the person that I am right now. In elementary school, I started to have an approach to technology and its various applications. In 2012, I started to study at Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey High School. Then, I continued in the same College (ITESM) choosing Mechatronic Engineering as my degree. Finally, I graduated in December 2019. I enjoy thinking about how to improve and customize things that are around me to simplify human life; that’s one of the reasons that impulse me to study engineering.
In University, I had the opportunity to take part in different types of projects. I participated in the construction of a personal dynamic vehicle (PDV) with the purpose to help the environment using recycled materials. Also, I worked in a team that developed a functional didactic toy for kids with cerebral palsy to help them to improve their attentional capacity in a specific activity. In my last year of college, I had the fortune to design and make an energy harvest prototype for a steel company. This specific project was very challenging because we had to integrate the different areas embedded in Mechatronics and take them to reality in a plant of the company under the specifications and requirements of plant managers and workers. After that, this project was presented to the scientific community at the 2020 Investigation and Development Congress at Monterrey, Nuevo León in Mexico.
These experiences allowed me to obtain various technical abilities in the use of industrial machines, manufacturing processes, electronic integration, and others. However, all this learning help me to expand my engineering thinking from the beginning of an idea until the conclusion of a real and concrete project. After graduation, I worked helping students in the higher education level in their signatures related to Engineering.
One of my hobbies is reading about different ancient cultural history. Also, I usually investigate the different emerging technologies that will probably be used in the near future to keep me updated. I enjoy listening to music in my free time; especially when I connect with a song. I like to play video games and watch sports like soccer, football, box, and baseball. Also, I'm an animal defender and a believer in the protection of the ecosystems around the globe and the responsibility that humans have to take care of them. Furthermore, I’m interested in the application of various renewable and sustainable energies to dismiss the climatic damage caused by industry.